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-★-★-★-★-★-★-★-★-Fall Break Special!! $50 for ONE hour!-★-★-★-★-★-★-★-★-

Posted: Thu. Oct. 10 11:10:36 2019

Take a break from the kids! Finally the MASSAGE Your Muscles Need! Special price this week!
*If you prefer the other choices please pass this ad. If it looks like my ad doesn't fit in you're right! Many looking for me and some wonder where to get an enjoyable real massage lately.*
Peaceful w parking. Wonder where your$$ went after being hammered on till bruised or patted on for an hr? YOU CLICKED THE RIGHT AD!
Finally get rid of nagging aches, I work out the muscles while relaxing you at the same time. No kinks? Just want massage? Same thing!
1 hr $50 this week only. Must mention ad when booking or it will be regular price.
Price good on appts Mon-Fri start 9-5pm. Slightly more evening &weekend.
Emma 782- 5466